
Membership Levels Hourly Level Bulk Level Full Time Level
Prepay $200/month $480/month $675/month
Hours Included/Month 10 (minimum) 40 Unlimited
Kitchen Rate $20/hour* $12/hour* N/A
Dry Shelves 1 2 4 (Full Rack)
Fridge/Frozen Shelves 1 1 2
Permanent Work Station N/A N/A Included
Extra Storage Shelves
(dry, fridge, frozen)
$20 $20 $20
Full Dry Storage Rack $50 $50 $50

*Kitchen Rates apply after included hours are exceeded

Mike Williams

We enjoy working with a wide variety of food businesses!

We’d love to show you around our kitchen space sometime!

Contact us to schedule a tour!

Walk in Tour Hours are Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-4pm